Content Submission Forms

Welcome to Freedom Tube Content Curators

This is where you can submit privacy and digital freedom related content.
We have made is simple to use. Just fill open the relevant form in the tabs below and add your content there.

Freedom Video Submission
(Discover a World of Alternatives)

Freedom Video Submission

create posts from form submission


While these topics can’t be avoided (especially conspiracy theories) but want to keep political content (especially current events) and explicit conspiracy content to a minimum for now. Want Freedom Tube to be focused on the alternatives and privacy.
Content Creator
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Enter the date the content was created – this will be the publish date. An exception will be older evergreen content.
The original title of the content from the content creator.
Copy of description/video notes
This is the actual post title that will be used to generate the post. This is our creation. Sometimes times we might be focused an aspect of the video that the original title does not reflect.
Our review or comments on the content. This might be where we draw an inference or focus on a specific aspect of the content.


Drop the video iframe into here


Our Recomendation
Will add our thumbs up. We need to think about how this is used to make it more meaningful.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Online Resources Submission
(Articles, Doc, Memes, Graphics and more…)

Online Resource Submission

create posts from form submission


While these topics can’t be avoided (especially conspiracy theories) but want to keep political content (especially current events) and explicit conspiracy content to a minimum for now. Want Freedom Tube to be focused on the alternatives and privacy.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Enter the date the content was created – this will be the publish date. An exception will be older evergreen content.
This is the actual post title that will be used to generate the post. This is our creation. Sometimes times we might be focused an aspect of the video that the original title does not reflect.
The original title of the content from the content creator.
Our Recomendation
Will add our thumbs up. We need to think about how this is used to make it more meaningful.
Our review or comments on the content. This might be where we draw an inference or focus on a specific aspect of the content.
This is the main content for Hosted Documents. This can be used to provide a description for all other Online Resource content types
This will be a clickable link. Used for Web Link content. Used for Download content. also used for providing a source/reference If a post requires multiple then they can be manually entered into either WYSIWYG boxes
Post Image – currently not working
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
To be used mainly for graphics content where the images is set as the Featured Image. Other content categories will use a templated image.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Big Tech Alternatives Submission
(Discover a World of Alternatives)

Big Tech Alternatives Submission

Will create a post from form submission


While these topics can’t be avoided (especially conspiracy theories) but want to keep political content (especially current events) and explicit conspiracy content to a minimum for now. Want Freedom Tube to be focused on the alternatives and privacy.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Enter the date the content was created – this will be the publish date. An exception will be older evergreen content.
This is the actual post title that will be used to generate the post. This is our creation. Sometimes times we might be focused an aspect of the content that the original title does not reflect.
The original title of the content from the content creator.
Our Recomendation
Will add our thumbs up. We need to think about how this is used to make it more meaningful.
Our review or comments on the content. This might be where we draw an inference or focus on a specific aspect of the content.
Description of Alternatives extract from their site any additional links
This will be a clickable link. If a post requires multiple then they can be manually entered into either WYSIWYG boxes
Post Image – currently not working
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Upload screen capture of site
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Privacy Tools Submission
(Giving you the Advantage)

Privacy Tools Submission

Will create a post from form submission


While these topics can’t be avoided (especially conspiracy theories) but want to keep political content (especially current events) and explicit conspiracy content to a minimum for now. Want Freedom Tube to be focused on the alternatives and privacy.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Enter the date the content was created – this will be the publish date. An exception will be older evergreen content.
This is the actual post title that will be used to generate the post. This is our creation. Sometimes times we might be focused an aspect of the content that the original title does not reflect.
The original title of the content from the content creator.
Our Recomendation
Will add our thumbs up. We need to think about how this is used to make it more meaningful.
Our review or comments on the content. This might be where we draw an inference or focus on a specific aspect of the content.
Description of Privacy Tool extract from their site any additional links
This will be a clickable link. If a post requires multiple then they can be manually entered into either WYSIWYG boxes
Post Image – currently not working
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Upload screen capture of site
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Privacy Organisation Submission
(Connecting with People Concerned about Privacy)

Privacy Organisation Submission

Will create a post from form submission


While these topics can’t be avoided (especially conspiracy theories) but want to keep political content (especially current events) and explicit conspiracy content to a minimum for now. Want Freedom Tube to be focused on the alternatives and privacy.
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Enter the date the content was created – this will be the publish date. An exception will be older evergreen content.
This is the actual post title that will be used to generate the post. This is our creation. Sometimes times we might be focused an aspect of the content that the original title does not reflect.
The original title of the content from the content creator.
Our Recomendation
Will add our thumbs up. We need to think about how this is used to make it more meaningful.
Our review or comments on the content. This might be where we draw an inference or focus on a specific aspect of the content.
Description of Alternatives extract from their site any additional links
This will be a clickable link. If a post requires multiple then they can be manually entered into either WYSIWYG boxes
Post Image – currently not working
Accepted file types: jpg, jpeg, png, gif.
Upload screen capture of site
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.